Another recommended method to your credit card debt solution is by consulting a debt consolidation or loan company. This is considered as one of the most ideal credit card debt solution and it is a very wise option for debt elimination and more importantly debt negotiation to a large extent. Several key facts to note if you decide to choose this solution, you are strongly advised that you should not increase the debts too much on a single card rather distribute your load. Focus more on paying debts of those cards that are charging higher interests rather then the smaller ones. This can save a lot of overhead interest charges. Never pay focus on enrolling to a company that promises insurance and security as mostly they are just untrusted and fraud companies. This method actually aims to increase your savings to a large extent by saving a lot of money overheads following debt consolidation techniques. Source:
Video: Debt Settlement USA
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Riverside Bankruptcy Attorney
Some creditors are so resistant to working with debt settlement companies that they immediately file a lawsuit against a debtor as soon as they are contacted by his or her debt-settlement company, said Jamie Welsh, a director with Kaulkin Ginsberg, which tracks the collections industry. Creditors increasingly are using debt collection law firms that are quick to file lawsuits when borrowers default. A successful lawsuit can lead to wage garnishment or liens on your property.? Bankruptcy immediately stops any lawsuits, wage garnishments, and harassing creditor contact once it has been filed.
Beware of Shady Debt Settlement Practices
In 2010 the Better Business Bureau (BBB) reported that complaints to the agency against debt settlement companies were on the rise. ?Since the start of the recession,? cites the BBB, the agency ?has received more than 3,500 complaints from individuals, including many who paid hundreds of dollars in upfront fees to debt settlement companies but only feel deeper in debt.? Stephen A. Cox, President and CEO of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, said that ?the debt settlement industry is flourishing and many families are being lured into believe that debt settlement is an easy fix and their credit card debt will just disappear.? In February 2010, in fact, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed four lawsuits against debt settlement companies.
Debt Settlement Usa Scottsdale Arizona
If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you may not be sure where to start. Finding the right bankruptcy attorney to handle your case could be the best way to deal with your bankruptcy questions. In the meantime, before filing for bankruptcy, you might consider other alternatives. A bankruptcy will remain on your record for a long period of time. However, there is a good chance that if you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, then your credit is probably in bad shape already. A bankruptcy could be your chance to relieve your debts completely and give you a fresh start. According to the revised Bankruptcy Code, an individual is required to attend credit counseling to discuss other options, 180 days prior to the bankruptcy filing case. If bankruptcy is right for you, then you might want to look into what chapter of bankruptcy applies to your case. One of the more popular chapters is a chapter 7 bankruptcy where your debts can be completely liquidated. However, in order to qualify for this chapter, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) demands that individuals take the means test before filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy. The other common chapter is the chapter 13. Individuals who file for this chapter generally have a steady income and will set up a payment plan to pay off their debts. If you are looking to hire a bankruptcy attorney, it would be a good idea to hire someone you can be in direct contact with, versus a paralegal from a large law firm. Once you have selected a bankruptcy lawyer, you could then set up a meeting time to discuss your bankruptcy case and your best strategy going forward. Your attorney may also provide you with the means test. The cost for a bankruptcy attorney will also vary. Some attorneys require a flat fee, while others will let you pay them in installments. The fees will also depend on your location. In some instances, you may be able to file for free, but if you decide to file for a chapter 7, then you will most likely have to pay your attorney fees before your case is filed. In a chapter 13, your attorney fees may be included in your payment plan that you have laid out in your file. You can talk with your attorney about fees and the associated costs with filing for bankruptcy to get a better idea of what you will be paying up front. Once you have a bankruptcy attorney secured, you may then direct your creditors to his or her office. Your bankruptcy attorney will most likely handle all your creditor calls on your behalf and the automatic stay will go into effect. This automatic stay prohibits creditors from contacting you to harass you about your debts. Creditors are most likely held liable if they violate the automatic stay in which case you could be awarded for punitive damages. When your file is submitted, you may get a letter in the mail for a creditor meeting, also known as the 341 meeting. This meeting will enable the trustee of your file to ensure with you that your file is truthful and that you understand the terms of a bankruptcy. Your bankruptcy attorney will probably go over all of your listed debts with you prior to this meeting so that you can be prepared. Your answers in the meeting may be recorded, but on average, the meeting will last only approximately 10 minutes. Your trustee may then decide which assets are exempt and which are non-exempt. If there are assets listed that are considered non-exempt, these properties may be sold.? In a chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may enter a three to five year plan that involves paying back your creditors over time. While you are filing for bankruptcy, it would be a good idea to discontinue using your credit cards as well. If you use these, your creditor may utilize this against you in a lawsuit by challenging your right to a debt discharge. ?In most bankruptcy cases, your creditors will have sixty days from your meeting to challenge the discharge of your debts. If no lawsuits are filed, you may receive a discharge of your debts. In a chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can be notified anywhere from thirty to sixty days after your last payment and the trustee declares that your plan has been completed. Keep in mind that not all debts can be discharged in a bankruptcy, including student loans and specific taxes. Discharged debts usually depend on certain bankruptcy provisions and whether your creditor persuaded the judge to not discharge a particular debt. In any bankruptcy case, it would be a good idea to hire an attorney who can help you through the bankruptcy process so that you can hopefully be debt and stress free. Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source:
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Tags: Chapter, Debt, debt settlement companies, wage garnishment, wage garnishments
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